What Happened to American Zack Shahin?
Taken. Tortured.
Imprisoned for 14 Years.
Abandoned by the American Government.
What Can I Do?
Help us make a difference by writing to your local government, and helping spread the word about Zack’s Case. To find out more, please click the link below to find letters, social media platforms, and other relevant information to helping us in our mission to free Zack and bring him back home!
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Walk to Justice
Martin Lonergan, COO of Detained American, walked a grueling 1,800 miles through stifling heat, hurricanes, tornados, floods, and torrential rain to save the life of his friend. His route took him from the Houston home of Zack Shahin to Washington, D.C. The purpose of the epic endeavor was to deliver a Magnitsky Sanctions request to the United States government.